Hello Again,
Bienvenue! I just like saying it. Welcome!
(This post is not about U2, but I have been listening to U2 a lot while painting; songs get stuck in your head and I am beginning again, so...)
I have been busy today. This is my first time actually starting the Holiday Grand Plan on organizedchristmas.com the actual day it started! Yah! Things are already looking up. I dug out my old tickler file with the s.h.e. cards in it and am in the process of re-organizing it, I made out the menu's for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day (It was easy, we have traditions for all of those holidays and I think everyone would be disappointed if we strayed from them.), I made a preliminary list of people to give gifts to, and yesterday I painted the dining room and hallway. Last weekend my daughter helped me paint the living room. They still need to be decluttered and re-decorated, but, at least they look cleaner. I love painting; it makes such a difference right away.
So, like I said in post number two, I re-arranged the weeks of the Holiday Grand Plan into an order that may fit my needs better. I hope I am not setting myself up for disappointment, but... we will see... Anyway, I am starting week one in our bedroom. How did I collect sooo much stuff? yard sales, estate sales, and I like all my stuff. I do not want to get rid of it. In fact, we went to an estate sale yesterday and I bought two completely organized containers of DMC floss, a stack of cross stitch magazines, two finished-but unframed- projects and two unfinished projects. What a find! I am currently enjoying cross stitch so much. It's like painting with thread. I think the possibilities are endless. (Oh no, distraction!) - No, I will not give in. There is a time and a place, I just have to schedule it. - And, by the way, the lady they belonged to just moved to assisted living. I feel better about that.
Boxes of floss. What a pretty palate!
A finished project. This is beautiful work, is it not?
Well, it is getting late and I am for bed.
I hope you enjoyed your day today and did something fun. I actually enjoyed all the planning I did today. Tomorrow starts the work on our bedroom. Yah!
Good night,