Monday, August 27, 2012

To quote U2, "I will begin again" - New Year's Day

Sunday 26 August 2012

Hello Again,
Bienvenue! I just like saying it. Welcome!
(This post is not about U2, but I have been listening to U2 a lot while painting; songs get stuck in your head and I am beginning again, so...)

I have been busy today. This is my first time actually starting the Holiday Grand Plan on the actual day it started! Yah! Things are already looking up. I dug out my old tickler file with the s.h.e. cards in it and am in the process of re-organizing it, I made out the menu's for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day (It was easy, we have traditions for all of those holidays and I think everyone would be disappointed if we strayed from them.), I made a preliminary list of people to give gifts to, and yesterday I painted the dining room and hallway. Last weekend my daughter helped me paint the living room. They still need to be decluttered and re-decorated, but, at least they look cleaner. I love painting; it makes such a difference right away.

So, like I said in post number two, I re-arranged the weeks of the Holiday Grand Plan into an order that may fit my needs better. I hope I am not setting myself up for disappointment, but... we will see... Anyway, I am starting week one in our bedroom. How did I collect sooo much stuff? yard sales, estate sales, and I like all my stuff. I do not want to get rid of it. In fact, we went to an estate sale yesterday and I bought two completely organized containers of DMC floss, a stack of cross stitch magazines, two finished-but unframed- projects and two unfinished projects. What a find! I am currently enjoying cross stitch so much. It's like painting with thread. I think the possibilities are endless. (Oh no, distraction!) - No, I will not give in. There is a time and a place, I just have to schedule it. - And, by the way, the lady they belonged to just moved to assisted living. I feel better about that.

                                                    Boxes of floss. What a pretty palate!

                                                    A finished project. This is beautiful work, is it not?

Well, it is getting late and I am for bed.

I hope you enjoyed your day today and did something fun. I actually enjoyed all the planning I did today. Tomorrow starts the work on our bedroom. Yah!

Good night,


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bienvenue! Welcome!

Thursday 23 August 2012
Bienvenue! Welcome!

I am not French and I do not really speak French, but I would like to. I own a copy of French for Dummy's - it did not help! What does that say about me? I need a real live class with a person whom I can speak to and ask questions of.

During the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Canada the Prime Minister walked out and called BIENVENUE! and the crowd cheered. It was great! So this is kind of like the opening games to the winter Olympics-


On Sunday, August 26th, the Holiday Grand Plan begins at Organized Christmas,

There are fifteen weeks until the first week of December and one of those is Thanksgiving week, (November 22nd this year) so fourteen weeks, really. My house is small, only seven rooms, and one of those... well, there is no way it will be cleaned before Christmas. Really, I cannot see it cleaned before next spring - that is just the reality of it. So, my house is small, only six rooms...

On the Holiday Grand Plan Calendar they allow for eight rooms, so that gives me two extra weeks, right? And I am re-arranging my weeks to better fix my location. They start at the entryway/foyer. It is still way too hot here to start in the front yard.

When I was raising my kids I used a tickler file to stay organized. I bought a book at a yard sale by The Sidetracked Home Executives and it inspired me.
Here is the link to their site:

I had tried various other organizing plans, but this one worked for me and I used it until my kids got older and I started working mostly afternoons and nights. I have decided to set that file up again as I clean. Here is a link to help you set up a file or just check it out.

Since it is almost one in the morning, I hope you enjoy your day today! Do something fun!!

Good night,

Monday, August 20, 2012

No Capes Dahling! - Edna, The Incredibles

Monday 20 August 2012
Hello and Welcome,

It happens to me every year in August. It is like I have an internal clock telling me the holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! So, I go to and the Flylady and make extreme plans to clean my house, hand make most of the gifts, put extra meals in the freezer, bake, and be ready for Christmas by December 1st.

I know it is possible--it has to be, right? People do it. So, why not me? I am always so hopeful. And then, disappointed and guilty on December 23rd. My family does not put the disappointment and guilt on me, I do. But, I think not this year. December 25th will come and go whether I am ready or not.

Oh, I have already been to and I can tell you there are 126 days until Christmas, but this year I think I will make plans and keep them reasonable. I am not a naturally organized person (I am coming to grips with that). I will take my time and enjoy it. Sort of like it's the journey, not the destination.

So, here, at August 53, I will keep myself accountable and organized.

No Capes Dahling. I am not superwoman! and capes will only take you down!

I hope you enjoyed your day today and had some fun. My daughter and I went to Target and shopped the dollar section. You just never know what you might find. I found a small sixteen month calendar that goes until December 2013. Now, that is something I can use!
