Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I am still here!

Tuesday 4 September 2012
Welcome! Bienvenue!
I have been busy. It is week two of the Holiday Grand Plan and I am still following it! yah!! This is a first for me. I have always had good intentions, but that is as far as my intentions went.

I worked in our bedroom this week getting it ready to paint and I painted it Friday evening and Saturday! I still need to go through the drawers and de-clutter, but it is so much better. The de-cluttering part is the hardest for me. I like my stuff. You would think I was someone who went through the Great Depression and had to use everything they had or came across. And, I know the frustration of knowing I have something, but I cannot find it, so I have to buy another one anyway; kind of defeats the purpose of having stuff doesn't it? But... I like my stuff... I know, I'll put it in storage, but some of it is vintage and it is still too hot here to store anything vintage in a storage unit, so, I will move it from one room, to the hallway, to the previously mentioned room that is not likely to be salvaged anytime soon. Well, this is better than a hundred dollar psychiatric visit. I feel better! but, it is getting so that I cannot get into that aforementioned room. hummm.

Oh well, on to the bathroom this week. I am still deciding what color to paint. Our bathroom is small. The floor space is 3' x 5' and there is really only one full wall to decorate. It is going to take a few days to get the room ready to paint, so I can play with a few ideas until then.

I hope you enjoy your day today and have fun!

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