Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday 1 October 2012

October first already! There are eighty-five days until Christmas. We have decided to draw names this year for the adults, so yay, that cuts down on the stress of presents for everyone, but...

I remember when I was a little girl my grandmother on my mom's side would make us slippers for Christmas and I have wanted to do this for some years now to kind of revive the tradition.

I found this great granny square slipper pattern on this web site http://www.purlbee.com/granny-square-slippers/ I am going to try to make a pair for everyone. It will take only little bits of yarn, so I should certainly have enough and this will be a great way to use it up.

I am excited about this! This will be fun. I love making things for people I love. It is so personal, picking the right colors, the right patterns, the right size, and thinking about them all the while you are making their present.

Oh, and I did get the bathroom painted. The color is called Apple Orchard. It makes you think red, but it is apple green and cream is the ceiling and accent color. Maybe I will take a picture when I finish decorating it. I want to put as many sweet regency and Victorian pictures on the main wall as will fit. So, I am still working on it. And, I have started working in the kitchen. I am not painting in there, but I am going through the cupboards and drawers. So, I have still been busy.

I am off to the yarn box now! I hope you enjoyed your day today and had some fun of your own.

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